Sunday, February 20, 2011

Outrageously Talented, Camden Toy, Exclusive

Posted by Tommy Garrett on Feb 19, 2011 - 7:41:03 PM

STUDIO CITY—Handsome and multi-talented star Camden Toy spoke exclusively with me this week to discuss his varied roles from bad guy to sitcom actor to television and movie monster. Camden recently guest starred on the hit web series “The Bay” and is now filming “Good Night Burbank,” which will become’s first full length (30-minute) series ever. “This role is a departure for me, that’s for sure, but I love playing all types of characters,” said Toy.

The actor’s most famous villain role is the grand demon Gnarl from the hit WB series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Starring with Sarah Michelle Gellar was always a treat for the brilliant actor, who said, “Sarah was always so gracious to me. I remember once when I was guest starring as the uber vampire. I had the teeth and prosthetics in place and had been in the makeup chair for hours, but Sarah didn’t want me to not have a snack break. She took me by my hand and said, ‘Come on, if you don’t eat this, it’ll be gone.’ I remember thinking, what a nice woman. And a great actress too.” However, it was Alyson Hannigan that Camden got to spend the most quality time with. “I was filming this scene, this time as the evil dominant demon Gnarl and Gnarl peels the skin off of his victims and eats it. For almost 7 hours I sat on top of Alyson and we filmed this scene. She never stopped being gracious and I apologized later, but she laughed and reminded me that it was in the script,” said the star.

Speaking with Camden Toy on his “The Bay” role as Igor Chambers made the actor smile. “I had worked previously with Gregori [Martin], the producer, creator, writer and yes, casting director of ‘The Bay’ on a film project. You know what a treat it is to deal with the guy, Tommy. When he called me about this role, my first question was, why me? Since I had heard that the roles were going to major soap stars, I was very touched when he told me that he wanted me on the show as well, despite my not being a soap actor. When he gave me the script, he called me a few days later and asked me what I thought? I told Gregori that I wanted the role. Who could turn down such a great part? Everything Gregori does is amazing, he’s very charming and professional and I admire how he works with his actors and treats his crew and everyone around him. He is wonderful at what he does,” said Toy.

Camden has acted in well over one hundred independent films, including; “Vertical City,” “The Killers,” “My Chorus,” “Backgammon,” “Morning Glory,” “Irascible” and “The Works,” with an additional half dozen currently in production. The actor said he has no problems being typecast as a villain. “I am interested in any good role there is out there. As an actor, I love doing it all, but I don’t mind being chosen many times to play monsters or anti heroes at all,” concluded the star.

When not acting, the prolific thespian is writing and editing film. He hopes that in the the future he could also try directing. In the second part of our exclusive feature with the actor, Camden Toy discusses the other aspects of his varied career including behind the scenes wizardry in the entertainment field. The amazingly talented and strikingly handsome star is ready for it all, including his dream of becoming a director.

Canyon News

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